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Italian Metal Legion - The Days Of dream

Italian '80/'90s metal bands Encyclopedia - 2005


(per comprare questo volume clicca qui / buy this book- click here)



Flash, Set. 90                Flash, Giu. '95                Metal Shock, Mag. '90                Metal Shock, Giu. '90 - pt.1                Metal Shock, Giu. '90 - pt.2               

                             "Flash" (Italy)                                    "Flash" (Italy)                                  "Metal Shock"                               "Metal Shock"                                   "Metal Shock"                                   "H.M." n. 98
                            Settembre 1990                                    Dicembre 1995                                   Maggio 1990                                Giugno 1990 / 1                                  Giugno 1990 / 2                                  Dic. '90  (Italy)


"360 gradi"                          "Metal Hammer"                                   "Metal Shock"                            "Metal Shock"                      "Metal Shock"

n. 12/'96                                    1995                                                  1995                                      interv. 1991                          interv. 1991




                      "Heavy Metal Forces"                    "Enciclopedia Rock -                           "Metal Shock"                                "La Tela Del Ragno"                              "Titoli Di Coda"                               "Tuttomilano" di

                         fanzine - Japan 2007                     Hard & Heavy"  1991                             charts 1990                                                  1995                                                      1995                                          La Repubblica 1990




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